November 2023 Newsletter

Skidmore Newsletter - November 2023

Skidmore City Council

Skidmore City Council meets November 9 at 6:00pm at Newton Hall. 

Skidmore Community Betterment

.Skidmore Community Betterment will meet November 13 at 6:00pm at Newton Hall.

Thursday, November 30- Lighting Ceremony at the Gazebo

November 30 will be a lighting ceremony at the gazebo.  At 5:00pm there will be cookies and hot chocolate at Newton Hall, at 5:30pm will be a greeting from the mayor at the gazebo, and the lights will be turned on about 5:45pm.  All of this is weather permitting.

City Hall hours:

8am-12:30 pm on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday.  Wednesday 5-7pm.  Not open on Mondays.  Answering machine at 660-928-3281.  The city’s website is for ordinances, city events, or pay your water bill online.  You can also arrange with your bank and the Zelle program to pay your water bill.  Check with your bank if you’re interested.

Water Samples Report  This is for the 2022 Consumer Confidence Report.

From City Hall:

*A new billing system is being installed. When SUBS is fully functional, you will have an option to receive your bill through text or email. If you want to receive bills, notices on boil orders, emergencies, low water pressure or no water, you must add your phone number and email address to your account at City Hall.

*Applications for United Fiber service are available at City Hall during business hours.

*City man, Mike Reasoner, will be marking the water meters during November so the GIS mapping can be done in December.

*Your water bill will be arriving in an envelope along with electronic billing information. This form will allow you to view your bill electronically, if you want.  On the back of your water bill will be a place to add your phone number and email.  Thank you. 

*If you don’t use Facebook, please find a neighbor or relative that does to ensure you are aware of last minute changes of city business, like the food deliveries or water leaks/boil advisories, etc.   This is the best way we have to get information out quickly to a large group of people.

*A reminder if you park on the street:  When the snow needs plowed, please try to move your vehicles so the streets can be completely cleared.

Veterans Day:

Happy Veterans’ Day November 11.  We can’t thank our veterans enough for their service and sacrifice!


Happy Thanksgiving November 23.

Newton Hall:

Please do not donate any more books to the library in Newton Hall at this time.  We have run out of room to shelve them.  Thanks.

March 2023 Newsletter

Skidmore Newsletter - March 2023

March 4th - Newton Hall

On March 4, there will be a gathering for the ladies.  Coffee, cocoa and tea (and snacks) at Newton Hall at 8:00am.

Skidmore City Council

Skidmore City Council meets March 9 at 6:00pm at Newton Hall. 

Skidmore Community Betterment

Skidmore Community Betterment will meet March 13 at 6:00pm at Newton Hall.

Sunday, March 19 - Skidmore Community Betterment

Sunday, March 19, will be a chicken dinner hosted by Skidmore Community Betterment at Newton Hall from 11am-1pm.  Fried chicken, mashed potatoes, vegetables, rolls, and dessert for $10.  For to go orders, call 928-3366 that day after 11:00am.

Food Pantry

It will be March 27 and 28 from 4-5pm at Newton Hall.  Please line up coming down the street.  You will have to come in and sign up (or present your id card) but there are no income restrictions.  It is for residents in the Nodaway-Holt school district or a county resident that has not picked up at a previous location.  There will also be senior boxes of food for those who have signed up.  You may sign up then for a senior box, but we are at the allotted number now.  We will still submit names.  Check for winter hours.  You may call City Hall to arrange for a different pick-up time, if necessary.

City Hall hours:

Mon-Thurs 8-11am &1-4pm, Fri: 8-12pm & 1-3pm. 660-928-3281.  The city’s website is for ordinances, city events, or pay your water bill online.

Water Samples Report

Graham Lions' Club Fish Fry

$15 for adults, under 12 is $5, 4:30 to 7:00pm, on March 4, April 1.

From City Hall:

*The city is collecting donations for a permanent headstone to properly identify and mark the Native American grave at Smith Cemetery.  Mail donations to City Hall, PO Box 15. (Lance Foster with the Ioway Tribe is helping with the research).

*Residents, it is required by city ordinance that you repair and cap your sewer clean outs on your property and remove your downspouts from the sewer if they are connected. This will help with Inflow and Infiltration and compliance. If the City must do these repairs themselves, a bill will be sent to the resident. To learn how and to ask any questions, please contact City Hall.

We are happy to help get this done.

* A new billing system is being installed. SUBS with MRWA will be used beginning in March and our new meters will then be online. When SUBS is fully functional, you will have a new option to receive your bill through text or email. If you want to receive bills, notices on boil orders, emergencies, low water pressure or no water, you must add your phone number and/or email address to your account at City Hall

February 2023 Newsletter

Skidmore Newsletter - February 2023

Stitching Post no. 75

Stitching Post No. 75 offers embroidery work, sewing, classes, and alterations.  The phone is 660-254-3451.  Her email is

Need a handyman?

Call Coby Langford at 660-853-2274

Kids' Activity

Feb 4 at Newton Hall from 2-4pm, to decorate Valentine Day boxes.    Bring a box or sack to decorate.  There will be a few boxes there and all the decorations will be provided.


Skidmore City Council

Skidmore City Council  meets February 9 at 6:00pm at Newton Hall

Skidmore Community Betterment

Skidmore Community Betterment will meet February 13 at 6:00 pm at Newton Hall.

Food Pantry

It will be February 27 and 28 from 4-5pm at Newton Hall.  Please line up coming down the street.  You will have to come in and sign up (or present your id card) but there are no income restrictions.  It is for residents in the Nodaway-Holt school district or a county resident that has not picked up at a previous location.  There will also be senior boxes of food for those who have signed up.  You may sign up then for a senior box and receive it the next month.  Check for winter hours.  You may call City Hall to arrange for a different pick up time, if necessary.

City Hall hours

Mon-Thurs 8-11am &1-4pm, Fri: 8-12pm & 1-3pm. 660-928-3281.  The city’s website is for ordinances, city events, or pay your water bill online.

Water samples report

Graham Lions' Club Fish Fry

$15 for adults, under 12 is $5, 4:30 to 7:00pm, on Feb. 4, March 4, April 1.

If you don’t text on your cell phone or use social media (facebook), please arrange to have a family member or neighbor keep you up to date on issues that arise quickly about City matters, for example:  pantry hours changes, surprise food drops, water issues, etc.  There is no other way to let everyone know those changes quickly.

From City Hall:

*If your water pressure is low, or you have no water, PLEASE let City Hall know immediately.  As of right now, all the city leaks have been fixed but we all need to keep an eye out for future leaks.

*The city is collecting donations for a permanent headstone to properly identify and mark the Native American grave at Smith Cemetery.  Mail donations to City Hall, PO Box 15.   (Lance Foster with the Ioway Tribe is helping with the research).

*When there is measurable snowfall, you must move your vehicle from the streets and alleys in order for the city to plow and not block you in.  This will help us plow more efficiently.

January 2023 Newsletter

Skidmore Newsletter - January 2023

Stitching Post no. 75

Stitching Post No. 75 offers embroidery work, sewing, classes, and alterations.  The phone is 660-254-3451.  Her email is

Need a handyman?

Call Coby Langford at 660-853-2274

City Hall Closure

City Hall will be closed Jan. 2 for New Year’s weekend. 

Skidmore City Council

Skidmore City Council meets January 12 at 6:00pm at Newton Hall.

Skidmore Community Betterment

Skidmore Community Betterment will meet Jan. 9 at 6:00 pm at Newton Hall.

Kids' Movie Afternoon

Kids’ Movie Afternoon Jan. 14, from 2-4pm at Newton Hall.

Food Pantry

It will be January 30 and January 31 from 4-5pm at Newton Hall.  Please line up coming down the street.  You will have to come in and sign up (or present your id card) but there are no income restrictions.  It is for residents in the Nodaway-Holt school district or a county resident that has not picked up at a previous location.  There will also be senior boxes of food for those who have signed up.  You may sign up then for a senior box and receive it the next month.  Check for winter hours.  You may call City Hall to arrange for a different pick up time, if necessary.

City Hall Hours

Mon-Thurs 8-11am &1-4pm,

Fri: 8-12pm & 1-3pm.


The city’s website is   You may see the ordinances, dates of city events, and pay your water bill online if you want.

Water Samples Report

Graham Lions' Club Fish Fry

$15 for adults, under 12 is $5, 4:30 to 7:00pm

Jan. 7, Feb. 4, March 4, April 1.

If you don’t text on your cell phone or use social media (facebook), please arrange to have a family member or neighbor keep you up to date on issues that arise quickly about City matters, for example:  pantry hours changes, surprise food drops, water issues, etc.  There is no other way to let everyone know those changes quickly.

From City Hall:

*Sewer rates were approved to increase beginning Jan.1.  The new rates will be a $35 flat rate with a $5 per 1,000 gals added thereafter.  This is to be at the 2% median household income recommended by DNR for grants and funding on our infrastructure.

*The city is collecting donations for a permanent headstone to properly identify and mark the Native American grave at Smith Cemetery.  Mail donations to City Hall, PO Box 15.   (Lance Foster with the Ioway Tribe is helping with the research).

*Skidmore  Cenntenial History books are for sale for $10 or $19.90 with shipping.  All proceeds go to the Depot.

*When there is measurable snowfall, you must move your vehicle from the streets and alleys in order for the city to plow and not block you in.  This will help us plow more efficiently

December 2022 Newsletter

Skidmore Newsletter - December 2022

Stitching Post no. 75

Stitching Post No. 75 offers embroidery work, sewing, classes, and alterations.  The phone is 660-254-3451.  Her email is

Need a handyman?

Call Coby Langford at 660-853-2274

City Hall Closure

City Hall will be closed Dec. 23-26 for Christmas and Jan 2 for New Year’s.

Skidmore City Council

Skidmore City Council meets December 8 at 6:00pm at Newton Hall.

Skidmore Community Betterment

Skidmore Community Betterment will not meet in December.

Food Pantry

It will be December 19th and 20th from 4-6 pm at Newton Hall.  Please line up coming down the street.  You will have to come in and sign up (or present your id card) but there are no income restrictions.  It is for residents in the Nodaway-Holt school district or a county resident that has not picked up at a previous location.  There will also be senior boxes of food for those who have signed up.  You may sign up then for a senior box the next month. In January we should return to the normal last Monday and Tuesday of each month (following the 4th Friday which is delivery date).

City Hall Hours

Mon-Thurs 8-11am &1-4pm,

Fri: 8-12pm & 1-3pm.


The city’s website is   You may see the ordinances, dates of city events, and pay your water bill online if you want.

For High School Seniors

This year’s high school seniors will be eligible to work toward the Skidmore Community Betterment scholarship.  Contact Meagan at City Hall or Teresa Carter for info.

Water Samples Report

Free Ham & Bean Dinner, December 3rd

***Dec. 3  FREE ham and bean dinner at Newton Hall 5-6:30pm, after which will be the   Christmas lighting ceremony at the gazebo in Memorial Park, along with hot chocolate, cookies, and carolers.

Graham Lions' Club Fish Fry

$15 for adults, under 12 is $5, 4:30 to 7:00pm

Dec. 3, Jan. 7, Feb. 4, March 4, April 1.

Election Candidate Registration

Candidates can begin filing at City Hall on December 6 at 8am – December 27 at 5pm. The city has 2 alderman seats open for a 2-year term each. Election is April 4, 2023.

Please see attached news from city hall for important water leak updates, important sewer information, and rate changes.

October 2022 Newsletter

Skidmore Newsletter - October 2022

Stitching Post no. 75

Stitching Post No. 75 offers embroidery work, sewing, classes, and alterations.  The phone is 660-254-3451.  Her email is

Need a handyman?

Call Coby Langford at 660-853-2274

Skidmore Community Betterment

Skidmore Community Betterment will be having a community dinner, October 2, 1 lam- 1 pm at Newton Hall. Chicken and noodles, mashed potatoes, com, rolls, and pie will be served for $10 per plate, children 5 & under are free. To go orders may be placed by calling 660-928-3366 after 11am that day.

City Council

Skidmore City Council meets October 13 at 6:00pm at Newton Hall.

Trunk or Treat

Trunk or Treat will be Sunday, October 30, from 6pm to 8pm at the park. There will be a free weenie roast sponsored by SKIP from the school. Businesses, organizations, and families are welcome to set up a spot.

Weiner Roast

On October 31, the Skidmore Volunteer Fire Dept will be hosting a weiner roast at the fire house at 6:00 pm.

City Hall

City Hall will have candy and maps for other houses with candy on October 31. Let City Hall know if you plan to hand out candy and want on the list.

Food Pantry

It will be November 1 from 1-6 pm at Newton Hall. Please line up coming down the street. You will have to come in and sign up ( or present your id card) but there are no income restrictions. It is for residents in the Nodaway-Holt school district or a county resident that has not picked up at a previous location.

City Hall Hours

City Hall hours:
Mon-Thurs: 8-11 am & 1-4pm,
Fri: 8-12pm & 1-3pm.

Appointments can be made after hours. 660-928-3281. Calls will be returned only if you leave a message. You may see the ordinances, dates of city events, and pay your water bill online if you want.

High School Seniors

This year’s high school seniors will be eligible to work toward the Skidmore Community Betterment scholarship. Contact Meagan at City Hall or Teresa Carter for info.

No Dumpster Week

There will be no dumpster week this fall due to the increased price of the dumpsters.