Skidmore Newsletter - July 2022

Stitching Post no. 75

Stitching Post No. 75 offers embroidery work, sewing, classes, and alterations.  The phone is 660-254-3451.  Her email is

Need a handyman?

Call Coby Langford at 660-853-2274

City Hall

Skidmore City Hall will be closed July 4th.  July 1 is the date $10 dog licenses are due.  Brush pile is closed until August.  There will be construction with the installing of the new water meters.

Skidmore City Council

Skidmore City Council meets July 14 at 6:00pm at Newton Hall.

Skidmore Community Betterment

Skidmore Community Betterment will meet July 11 at 6:00pm at Newton Hall.

Fresh Food Mobile Drop

July 28 at City Hall at 9:00am. We will post if Second Harvest notifies us of any changes. Notice the new time!

Food Pantry

The tentative dates are July 25 and July 26 from 4-6pm at Newton Hall.  You will have to come in and sign up but there are no income restrictions.  It is for residents in the Nodaway-Holt school district.

City Hall Hours

City Hall hours:
Mon-Thurs: 8-11 am & 1-4pm,
Fri: 8-12pm & 1-3pm.

Appointments can be made after hours. 660-928-3281. Calls will be returned only if you leave a message. You may see the ordinances, dates of city events, and pay your water bill online if you want.

Thank You

THANK YOU to Jeff Dearmont for mowing by the Skidmore sign at the east end of town!  He keeps it looking nice!  THANKS from Marvin Sumy for the cards and calls and concern during his hospital stay.

Have you noticed the depot is being painted and it’s looking nice!  Each can of paint is $60 and the city is in need of cash donations for the paint.  You may drop off your donation at City Hall.

Next year’s high school seniors will be eligible to work toward the Skidmore Community Betterment scholarship.  Contact Meagan at City Hall or Teresa Carter for info.

Company’s Coming!!  There will be lots of people in town for the Punkin Show.  So the city will have the dumpsters back in town July 10-16.  Let’s show the visitors the pride we have in our community by cleaning up.

Punkin Show is July 28-31!

**PUNKIN SHOW—July 28 through July 31.  SEE YOU THERE!!!**